Project categories

  1. Biological and Health Sciences:
    Biomedical sciences; Biomimicry; Biotechnology; Genetics; Human biology and Physiology; Living organisms; Microbiology and Immunology; Nature and properties of living organisms; Pharmaceutical sciences and drug development
  2. Pure & Applied Sciences:
    Acoustics; Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical engineering; Chemical Physics; Computational Physics; Electromagnetism & Electronics; Fluid Dynamics/Fluid Mechanics; Geology and Geomorphology; Mathematics and Statistics; Mathematical Physics; Mechanics; Meteorology / Weather Physics; Optics / Light Physics; Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics
  3. Environment and Ecosystems:
    Ecosystems; Environmental resources; Habitat biodiversity; Natural resources and sustainable development (e.g.: agribusiness, energy, etc.); Wildlife science
  4. Engineering, Computer Science, Robotics Applications:
    Aerospace engineering; Artificial intelligence; Civil engineering; Building engineering; Computer engineering and software; Computer security; Construction engineering; Electrical engineering; Electronic and computer system development; Industrial engineering; Mechanical engineering; Programming; Robotics (design manufacture and use of robots); Software development; Video games; WEB development
  5. Social and Behavioural Sciences:
    Archaeology; Culture, History; Demographics; Education and behavioral studies; Human behavior (anthropology, psychology, psychoeducation, industrial relations, etc.); Information and communications technologies (e.g. social media); Linguistics; Sociology